
Episode 119: Becoming Your Own Banker, with Drew White

When he graduated from nursing school with $150,000+ of student loan debt, he realized he’d be paying 50% of his earnings (for a very long time) to pay off these loans. That was the first time he understood the true impact of the debt he had created.

This experience gave him the hunger to understand money better. He was unwilling to accept this debt as his lot in life.

He created wealth-building side businesses for his family to take control of their future. Over the past 7 years he has been active as a day-trader, entrepreneur, and real estate investor.

His knowledge and experience in these sectors has led him to realize there is a better way to maximize our money than most of us are aware of.

As a Modern Wealth Consultant with Create Tailwind, He is passionate about showing Real Estate Investors how to take control of their money.rst time he understood the true impact of the debt he had created.

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Drew White?
  • How does he enter the Real Estate World?
  • What does it mean to become your own banker?
  • What is the best place for an investor to store their wealth?
  • Drew tells the benefit of using a whole life insurance policy.
  • What can anyone do with his whole life insurance policy?
  • Drew shares the connection of whole life insurance cash value and real estate.
  • How did he get started to Mobile homes?
  • Drew shares how she can be contacted.

Additional Resources from Drew White:


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