
Episode 157: Writing A Book, with Demi Stevens

Have you told yourself, “Someday I’ll write a book,” but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have a finished draft but are afraid of getting rejection letters on the way to publishing. Well, today is your “Someday.”

Dr. Demi Stevens is the award-winning writing coach, author, editor, publisher, and CEO of Year of the Book press, an elite artisanal publishing house that specializes in one-on-one amazing author experiences. She has helped produce more than 500 books by 150 authors. Each client’s work is as unique as its writer, and she guides you through the entire process one baby step at a time, so you can focus on what’s most important—your book.

Her specialties include coaching to help you finish the first draft with less pain, editing that makes your words carry even more power, and professional book formatting and cover design to make your book stand out in a crowded marketplace.

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Demi Stevens?
  • When writing a book, you just need to be YOU.
  • Demi shares what is her career before she became a founder and editor-in-chief.
  • Everybody has a story.
  • Books are an excellent marketing tool.
  • Demi shares her experience working with a real estate investor.
  • A step-by-step guide to writing a book.
  • Demi shares what her mentor told her when she still beginning in writing a book. 
  • You do not have to compare your writings with the best books on the market.
  • Demi teaches a time management course
  • What are some of the behind scene things that people should know about books?
  • Demi shares how she can be contacted.

Additional Resources from Demi Stevens:

Attention Investors and Agents

  • Are looking to grow your business?
  • Need to connect with aggressive like-minded people like yourself?
  • We have all the right tools and the knowledge to properly put those tools to use.
  • Visit: http://globalinvestoragent.com/ to see what we can offer and to schedule your FREE consultation!


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