Episode 158: Raising Capital For Real Estate, with Marcin Drozdz
Marcin Drozdz (Mar-sin DROHzd) is the Managing Partner of M1 Real Capital, where he and his team focus on acquiring value-add multifamily properties throughout the southeast. Over the past 16 years, he has helped acquire over 1,500 units across the US and established himself as a go-to in the world of capital raising and real estate acquisitions. Welcome to the show, Marcin.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Marcin Drozdz?
- What is a 5-Day Capital Challenge?
- What typically turns people on learning the skillset?
- What is the right mindset to attract millions for your next project?
- The difference between selling and inviting.
- What are the key factors that will make your project stand out?
- Marcin defines the E.A.S.Y system.
- How you can make high-net-worth investors attracted to your project?
- What are the lessons Marcin after raising 9 figures?
- Marcin shares how she can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Marcin Drozdz:
- Website: https://www.marcindrozdz.com/, https://m1realcapital.com/
- Email: marcin@marcindrozdz.com
- Phone: 403-614-9644
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcindrozdz/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realmarcindrozdz/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/M1realestategroup
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7:00 pm EST Time
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