Episode 159: Financial Freedom Through Flipping, with Robert Taylor
Robert started out as a crew member at McDonalds at 16 years old, and spent 20 years working his way up to the top of the company. 6 months after reaching the top 1% and receiving the President’s award, he left the company to follow his new dream of renovating houses.
Like so many, he was inspired by HGTV programs that show major house flips. But he stands out as one of the few who actually ran with that inspiration. His wife of 18 years heard an advertisement on the radio for a seminar on house flipping, signed him up, and the rest is history. Since leaving McDonalds and branching out on his own, Robert has flipped over 60 houses and turned over a million dollars in profits.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Robert Taylor?
- Robert shares the 3 things he considers before entering Real Estate Investing.
- Flipping is a great way to learn.
- The more experience you get, the more money you earn.
- Robert shares his first deal.
- There are a lot of advantages to investing.
- How to identify a good deal?
- There is a lot of investment opportunity in Baltimore.
- What is Robert’s program and how it helps many people?
- How Robert’s wife
- Robert shares how he can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Robert Taylor:
- Website: https://www.reiplaymakers.com/
- Email: r.taylorproperties1@gmail.com
- Phone: 1-443-380-0264
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/robfliphouses
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robfliphouses/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006352294475
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