Episode 163: Creating A Right Mindset For Success, with Terrie Schauer
With 20+ years experience as a Real Estate investor and property manager, Terrie is CEO & founder of MyRoom Gestion, a property management and Real Estate consulting group based in Montreal, Canada. She is the leading authority on applying mindfulness principles to Real Estate investing, and has written the #1 bestselling book on the topic, Mindful Landlord.
Co-host of two wealth and real estate podcasts (The Mindful Wealth Podcast & The Real Estate Investor’s Club Podcast), her clients include business owners, executives and professionals who want to hedge the rat race, and gain financial freedom through Real Estate. Her passion is to help fellow investors act for both profit and peace of mind.
Her key areas of expertise are Real Estate with a focus on holistic wealth, financial freedom, female excellence in investing and beyond. She has given keynote addresses at Canadian Real Estate conferences on these topics.
Terrie holds a PhD (SFU) and Masters degree from Oxford University. She is two-time world champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Her best selling book, Mindful Landlord, is currently available on Amazon.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Terrie Schauer PhD?
- How did Terrie get into the Real estate industry?
- Terrie shares how she was able to succeed in this career.
- Life is really full of contradictions.
- There are specific challenges in the Real Estate industry.
- Terrie shares that you must be able to work with emotions.
- What is the methodological strategy to process the unknown?
- Right education leads you to success.
- You are not your thoughts.
- Terrie shares how she can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Terrie Schauer:
- Website: https://terrieschauer.com/about/
- Email: terrie.schauer@gmail.com
- Phone: 1-514-692-6005
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrieschauer/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrieSchauerInc/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrieSchauer
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrieschauer/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDr1T9haN4CDWXdlwQjz1Dw
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