
Episode 165: Deferred Sales Trust Investment, with Brett Swarts

Brett is a Deferred Sales Trust™ Trustee, DST expert, capital gains tax deferral expert, investment real estate expert, multifamily broker, and the founder of Capital Gains Tax Solutions – a company helping individuals to defer capital gains tax on the sale of their highly appreciated assets, eliminate the need for a 1031 exchange, and unlock transformational wealth building options so they can create & preserve more wealth.

He created ‘Capital Gains Tax Solutions‘  to equip high net worth individuals and their trusted advisors with the Deferred Sales Trust™ tool to help them solve capital gains tax deferral limitations. The first step to a great exit and wealth plan is to clarify your exit plan and prepare to sell your highly appreciated asset when the time is right for you. The second step is to set up the DST, then sell your asset and defer your capital gains tax. The last step is to have the funds invested in a diversified portfolio of liquid investments, real estate or business ventures. The foundation to these 3 steps is timing and using the Deferred Sales Trust. Make time your friend using the Deferred Sales Trust by never having to invest into anything you don’t want to or when you don’t feel the timing is right for you.

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Brett Swarts?
  • How did Brett start his study with Deferred Sales Trust?
  • What is the difference between Transformational Exit Planning and Transactional Exit Planning?
  • Bretts shares LLC.
  • How to sell Cryptocurrency all tax deferred and invest in commercial real estate?
  • How to eliminate the need for a 1031 exchange?
  • What are the advantages of a Conceded Deals Trust (DST) and purchasing land through the DST versus 1031 trade?
  • Brett shares how he can be contacted.

Additional Resources from Brett Swarts:

Attention Investors and Agents

  • Are you looking to grow your business?
  • Need to connect with aggressive like-minded people like yourself?
  • We have all the right tools and the knowledge to properly put those tools to use.
  • Visit: http://globalinvestoragent.com/ to see what we can offer and to schedule your FREE consultation!


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