Episode 172: Building Wealth Through Real Estate, with Brianna Latham
A mother of 6 boys, and past foster mother to 60+, I love passionately and work hard to create a life worth living. Every morning I wake up intentionally to starve my distractions and feed my focus. I view work in real estate as service, and enter relationships with clients coming from contribution.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Brianna Latham?
- What does Brianna see the market doing?
- It is far easy to work with a small local community bank.
- Brianna believes that there are a lot more opportunities coming for investors.
- Their focus is democracy and housing for all.
- Brianna shares how she can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Alicia Reinhard:
- Website: https://briannalatham.exprealty.com/
- Email: brianna@lathampropertygroup.com
- Phone: +1 (615) 428-0438
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blathamrealty/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/BLathamRealty
Attention Investors and Agents
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Register here to attend the webinar on January 19th at 7:00pm est to learn more about the GIA Team: