Episode 210: Achieving Investment Goals Through Passive Real Estate Investing, with Senate Eskridge

Senate Eskridge is an expert real estate investor who currently owns a managed portfolio of single and multi-family homes numbering over 500 units across the country. He has over 10 years of experience in real estate investing, and more than 20 years of experience in business development, management, and sales.

Senate is a multi-family coach that teaches students how to purchase multi-family properties. He hosts a real estate investors group in his hometown, bringing investors together to network and learn from each other. Driven by self-development, Senate has completed numerous courses, including Dale Carnegie leadership training.

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Senate Eskridge?
  • What was his first transaction and what did he learn from that transaction?
  • What is a Joint Venture?
  • What are the other areas he has invested in?
  • What are the characteristics he look for for his team?
  • If you want to scale bigger, you need more people behind you.
  • Senate describes the roles of the people in his team. 
  • How important is Personal Development?
  • Senate shares how he can be contacted.

Additional Resources from Senate Eskridge:

Attention Investors and Agents

  • Are you looking to grow your business?
  • Need to connect with aggressive like-minded people like yourself?
  • We have all the right tools, knowledge, and coaching to positively effect your bottom line.
  • Visit:http://globalinvestoragent.com/join-gia-team to see what we can offer and to schedule your FREE consultation!

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