Episode 228: Smart Building with Modular, with Darin Zaruba
Darin Zaruba is an award-winning, disruptive, visionary entrepreneur, marketer, author, speaker, and business development executive. Darin has been described as a ‘renaissance’ businessman with a wide knowledge and in-depth personal experience in multiple businesses and industries.
Darin owns and operates Z,Inc. – a 22 year old business consulting firm and marketing team – helping small to mid-market businesses in several industries with their organizational, growth, capital, and branding strategies. Specifically, Darin is a 20-year veteran in the modular / manufactured construction and land development industry with soup-to-nuts experience from construction, sales, financing, marketing and management. Most recently, Darin is a principal in and assisted with the launch of BiltWise Structures in SC. BiltWise is a wholesale private-label modular production facility.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Darin Zaruba?
- What’s going on right now with the construction industry?
- What is Modular?
- Darin introduces Ken Semler.
- If you can build a quality home faster, wouldn’t that be a better solution?
- What does basically their company do for an investor?
- How does Darin see the trend of the modular industry?
- A bit of history of the modular industry.
- Modulars is not mobile homes
- Is there or will there be an opportunity for people to invest in built-wise?
- Modular is a method, it is not a style or type. It is a better method.
- Darin shares how he can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Darin Zaruba:
- Website: http://www.biltwisestructures.com/, http://www.zincdirect.com/, http://www.wordupllc.com/
- Phone: +1 (719) 331-3630
- Email: darin@zincdirect.com
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darinzaruba/
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