Episode 290: Exploring Hard Money Lending and Real Estate Investment Strategies, with Jason Balin

Jason Balin is a real estate private lender based in Maryland. He concentrates the majority of his time as a partner of Hard Money Bankers. Jason provides market knowledge in many real estate asset classes from personally investing in private notes, residential houses, office, multi-family and self-storage projects. He has written 3 books and currently hosts 2 podcasts: Private Lenders Podcast and Real Estate Reserve Podcast. Jason also runs a mastermind group helping other private lenders grow their own hard money companies called HardMoneyMastermind.com

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Jason Balin?
  • Jason shares his early experiences with real estate, including house flipping and working as a mortgage broker.
  • After realizing he preferred lending over flipping houses, Jason co-founded Hard Money Bankers in 2007.
  • What are the challenges and rewards of house flipping versus lending?
  • Jason explains how economic fluctuations affect real estate investing and lending practices.
  • What is the importance of conventional loans for primary residences and their influence on the real estate market?
  • How do private lenders operate independently of conventional financing, yet are still affected by market dynamics?
  • What is the significance of understanding conventional and private lending when navigating the real estate market?
  • How does short-term capital affect interest rates for institutional hard money lenders, contrasted with private lending practices?
  • What are blanket loans and their potential benefits for property investors?
  • Jason emphasizes the importance of creativity in structuring deals and finding the best financing solutions.
  • What is the process of obtaining a hard money loan compared to private and conventional bank loans?
  • Overview of the criteria used in evaluating loan applications: Collateral, Character, Capacity, and Credit.
  • Emphasis on the importance of a solid deal to ensure both lender and borrower benefit.
  • Jason reflects on his early experiences with flipping and his eventual shift towards acquiring rental properties.
  • How do monthly payments work and the process of refinancing with banks after property renovations?
  • Jason shares his strategy of controlling payment schedules to ensure contractor accountability and performance.
  • Tips on managing supply costs and oversight of contractor expenditures.
  • Jason shares how everyone can contact him.

Additional Resources from Jason Balin:

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