Charitable Organizations
Charitable Organizations are not the same as a government programs. Charitable organizations, as we look at them here, are typically private institutions. In other words, they’re 501(c)3s, like a local church or charity. There are Catholic charities. There’s the St. Vincent de Paul Society. There are Jewish community centers. Most cities have a community outreach program.
If you ever wondered how you can use your rentals in a way that allows you to be in alignment with what I would consider your spiritual calling in life, there are a number of things you can do. Everybody’s vocation can be a ministry. It depends on how you look at it. You can minister through anything you’re doing in life. An auto mechanic, for example, can minister through working on other people’s cars.
Watch and learn as Gary discusses in the video below:
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Global Investor Agent: How Do You Thrive Not Just Survive in a Market Shift?
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A portion of all our proceeds goes towards the support of the Healing House Foundation. The Healing House Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit public charitable organization. Our main goal is to provide housing for those in need. We seek to assist the homeless, single moms and abused women, wounded and disabled veterans, and those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.
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