
Rules of engagement for the Real Estate Agent when dealing with sellers and buyers Part l

by | Aug 22, 2018

In Module One, we talked about the two roles of Investor and Agent. Should you be an Agent first before you invest? Should you invest first before you become an Agent? Really, it depends on your own particular circumstances.

Then we covered the investor rules of engagement. You learned how to identify the towns to invest in first, then the neighborhoods, and then the actual properties themselves. You received some great research links, websites to take advantage of. These things are awesome tools. I didn’t create them. I just discovered them.

We talked about A, B, and C neighborhoods and A, B, and C properties. In the second lesson, we dug into the properties themselves and the types of searches that work for different types of investments.

If a client is flipping, you typically want to be looking for more REOs and Short Sales and Estate Sales. It’s hard to find really good deals from doing only arm’s length transactions with owner- occupant properties with enough margin for remodeling and profit. It can be done but it’s more difficult, a lot more difficult to find.

We also showed you the common sources your clients are going to be using to find properties. We like them to use us and our Multi-List System but they’ll be all over the place – the HUD Home Store, HomeSteps, HomePath, and of course the VA website. They’re also using our old favorites Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com.

We talked specifically about how to analyze properties within the rules of engagement. If you follow this process, I promise you will make more money and not more work. If you don’t follow this process – if you let the clients dictate the rules of engagement – you will have a great deal more work.

Remember, a lot of times you pick up clients from outside of this program. They’re trained by other gurus and sadly, a lot of them don’t speak kindly of realtors.

But understand, the reason they do that is that most realtors are not properly trained to work with Investors. There’s an inherent disconnect. I’ve seen it hundreds of times. It’s prevalent. That’s why so few realtors work with Investors and know how to do it to actually make good money. I’m one of them and that’s why I’m here. I’m going to show you how to do this the right way.

I promise if you follow this, you’ll get awesome results. And it gets better. There is so much more to do. There are at least eight different ways to build income streams working with Investors. With owner-occupants, you will have one or possibly two.

Guiding You to Wealth & Income Through Real Estate 7

We also did a physical analysis of flips to give you an example. We talked about making offers and then learned about Investors who buy rentals. In the beginning, there are a lot of similarities in tools used to find the towns, neighborhoods, and properties. For rentals, however, you look for neighborhoods that will give you the highest return on your investment when used for rental purposes.

We discovered some calculators to simplify the analysis and the opportunity evaluator for more advanced or larger properties. The blend and return calculator allows you and your clients to compare Real Estate investments to other forms of investments. These tools make you look really good in the eyes of your clients.

We worked through an example of a basic duplex and a simple proforma that follows Schedule E from our Federal Tax Returns. I created this one myself. It’s very easy to do. You can always print these off, give them to your clients, and making offers on rentals.

If you follow the rules of engagement for buying rentals, you will make more money. You will have your Sundays free, half your Saturdays, and most evenings if you want. I chose to work in the afternoons with Investors. I found the Investors I prefer to work with were typically able to get their afternoons off during the week. Some did mornings, but it was just easier in the afternoons.

Wholesaling is more complex. There are ways to make money wholesaling when you’re an Agent. If you like this concept, it is a great way to leverage your license whether you’re in a state that allows net listings or in a state that does not allow net listings. It is an awesome way to make money and break into the business. You will learn a lot. You may get involved with rentals and flippers. If you don’t know where to start, this is a great place.

If you’d like to learn more about wholesaling, I highly recommend the wholesaling training course. After you’ve taken one of our classes, the others are typically going to be just half price.

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