Special Report

by | Jul 6, 2023

7 Reasons Real Estate Agents Should Work With Investors

A compelling story on how working with investors can increase your  profit 10 fold and how much not doing so cost you!

Working with investors is probably the greatest single improvement I made in my real estate business. It not only made earning commissions easier for me, it opened up doors for creating massive wealth and income that produced profits far exceeding what I was previously making. There are seven basic benefits that I gained by working with investors. They are:

  1. Build a funnel of clients who not only call you they wait in line to work with you.
    1. Typically, real estate investors are at a loss as to how they should work with investors and even if they should at all. The rules of engagement for real estate investing are completely different than the rules of engagement for working with owner occupants. Since most agents do not understand the rules of engagement for working with investors they by default use the only rules of engagement they know which are those for working with owner occupants. As a result, the relationship between investors and agents is strained because it is not fruitful. It doesn’t have to be that way.
    2. With the knowledge you gain from books like “Path To Profit – Investors Vs. Agents” you can now operate by the rules of engagement that are specifically developed for working with investors instead of what agents are taught by their brokers. Once investors learn that you know these rules of engagement the word will spread. Just like any other line of business, when you walk the talk, the word spreads. Your reputation precedes you and you will spend virtually nothing on marketing to attract new clients. They will find you. There are at least a dozen marketing techniques you can learn from the Path To Profit, the best of which work in any market anywhere and have virtually zero costs associated with them.
    3. The bottom line here is that because almost no other agents know what you know about working with investors and they make the conscious choice to not work with investors anyway, you work in a virtual vacuum with little or no competition!

Read all 7 reasons why Real Estate Agents should work with Investors  by following the link below:



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Our NEW book is out!!!

Let’s face it. No Real Estate market ever stays the same. The market goes up and the market goes down. Anyone can make money in an up market.

The trick is to make money in one that’s down.

This book will show you how to not just survive but thrive in both!

Global Investor Agent: How Do You Thrive Not Just Survive in a Market Shift?

Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/3SV0khX

******************************************************************************************************A portion of all our proceeds goes towards the support of the Healing House Foundation. The Healing House Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit public charitable organization. Our main goal is to provide housing for those in need. We seek to assist the homeless, single moms and abused women, wounded and disabled veterans, and those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.

Visit: http://globalinvestoragent.com/the-healing-house-foundation

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