Success Magazine

by | Feb 1, 2024

What is the best investment strategy for business owners in 2024?

This article was written by our very own Gary Wilson for Success Magazine.

What is the best investment strategy for business owners in 2024?

By Gary Wilson

                You are likely pretty busy just running your business. However, as an entrepreneur you have to play offense and defense at all times. Playing offense doesn’t mean simply turning a profit in your business. It also requires a solid plan for deploying your profit to its highest and best use. Some of your profit should be used to grow your business, that’s a given. True success also means putting some of your profit to work for you, outside of your business. The following is going to show you how to play offense more strategically, empowering you to be more successful today and tomorrow. I am not an accountant or an attorney and I encourage you to consult your accountant and attorney as necessary when implementing what I am going to teach you. Even if you currently don’t use a business structure, because you are a full-time employee, I encourage you to explore this for investing purposes. It creates many advantages for you!

                I’ll first go over the basic strategy. Then, I’ll present the current state of the union of our economy, primarily in Real Estate, and what it means to you. I’ll follow that with the different types and classes of Real Estate and why you may want to invest in a few specific classes. Finally, I’ll go over three solid exit strategies and explain the pro’s and con’s of each. I’ll give you a real-life example of another business owner who has hundreds of properties. Before we conclude I’ll review everything for you and provide you with some parting tips for your success!

Read the full article here:

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