Commercial real estate differs in several key areas from residential real estate. If you’re going to make the switch…whether you’re looking at it from an Agent’s or an Investor’s perspective, then you should learn the differences between these two worlds.
Did you know…the average national salary for a commercial realtor is $85,000 a year vs. $39,000 a year for residential Realtors?
If you’ve been selling residential real estate and would like to make the move to commercial property you have probably figured it’s somewhat familiar but also different enough to present new and unique opportunities.
Well, you are right!
Watch this video to learn more:
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A portion of all our proceeds goes towards the support of the Healing House Foundation. The Healing House Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit public charitable organization. Our main goal is to provide housing for those in need. We seek to assist the homeless, single moms and abused women, wounded and disabled veterans, and those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.
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