Turning Rental Problems into Real Estate Profits

by | Aug 3, 2023

Showing Rental Properties

I never make individual appointments to show rental properties. This is really important and I want you to grasp this and make it your own. I learned to set up showings on Saturdays in my rentals and vacant properties, and I can do easily two rentals in a day and sometimes three, and I’m going to go to each rental for two hours.

 I arrive a few minutes early—go in, turn on the lights, make sure everything’s spic and span—and show that property for two hours. Here’s who I would show it to: the people who I did the telephone screening interview on throughout the week who showed a strong interest. I’d direct to them to go drive by the property and call back to confirm that yes, they still want to see the property. Then I would tell them when I’m going to be there and make the appointment inside a two-hour timeframe.

I could show that property to six, eight or 10 people. Some people will come in for 10 minutes, some people will stay for a half hour. I would make the appointments spread out in 10-minute intervals, because some people, in spite of your best efforts, will still not show. Yes, there’ll be some overlap, but overlap is good, okay! To a degree, you don’t want to have 10 people, 10 different applicants there at the same time, but it may not be such a bad deal to have two people there at the same time.

Overlap creates a little bit of competition. It creates urgency in their minds by thinking, “Hey, this place really is good. These other people seem interested too. We better jump fast.”

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