Turning Rental Problems into Real Estate Profits

by | Aug 31, 2023

Discrimination and Compliance

There is a Federal law that comes from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which has to do specifically with fair housing. Within fair housing, they have what they call the protected classes. Protected classes are anybody of race or color, national origin, religion, sex, age, familial status, and disability. This is a lot of people because every one of us is either male or female and every one of us eventually is going to hit the age of retirement or we were at one time under the age of 18. Many of us grew up in families. The familial status is that we had spouse and children. Many of us are disabled in one way, shape, or another.

There are many, many types of disabilities, some physical, some emotional, some psychological. Many of us come from different countries, though national origin does not mean right here in USA or Canada.

Discrimination is against the law, period. What you as a landlord need to remember is there’s only one color that matters, and it’s the color green, which is the color of money. You can evict someone from one of your rentals because they didn’t pay rent. That doesn’t mean they’re not a protected class if they’re broke.

Also, you can refuse to rent to someone for financial reasons too. That’s the one big reason why you do want to refuse to rent to somebody based on their financials. I strongly encourage you to go visit Portal.HUD.gov for more on fair housing.

Watch this video to learn more:



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