Ladislas Maurice is a full-time traveler and investor, with a particular focus on emerging and frontier markets. He travels around the world looking for unique investment and immigration opportunities. He has traveled to almost 100 countries, and lives in a dozen.
Mitigate the Risk of Investing
Ladislas will go somewhere, and stay for a few weeks or months. He builds a network, thorough research and due diligence, and makes his moves. By acting this way, he can mitigate the risk of investing in higher growth and yielding markets. Such an approach is also what he uses to investigate various asset classes.
Documentation of Findings
Ladislas says people constantly ask him how he does things and how they can get started. He’s made some fantastic investments over the years, as well as some (expensive) mistakes. His blog, The Wandering Investor, is about documenting his findings.
To learn more about Ladislas and how to connect with him listen to Gary’s recent interview with him on our Massive Passive Cashflow Podcast #140.