Episode 237: Short-Term Housing: A Recent Shift in Real Estate Investing, with Alex Jarbo
Alex Jarbo is the founder and CEO of Sargon Investments. He is a regular contributor to some of the top real estate investing podcasts in the world. He is also the host of the YouTube channel Alex Builds where he teaches how to properly build and manage short term rentals.
Sargon Investments is a short term rental resort development firm. We work to provide above average, double digit returns to our accredited investors.
What You Will Learn:
- Who is Alex Jarbo?
- Alex shares his first real estate investment.
- Has Alex thought about expanding to other areas?
- Alex shares some strategies he is using.
- What is a short terminal complex permit?
- Alex shares how he can be contacted.
Additional Resources from Alex Jarbo:
- Website: https://openatlas.investments/
- Phone: +1 (586) 306-1178
- Email: alexjarbousmc@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-jarbo-28a940139/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.jarbo/
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