Episode 254: Unveiling the Winning Email Strategy, with Liz Hester

Liz Hester exploded into online marketing in 2005, going from being a youth pastor to making $60,000 a month online, so that she could simply be able to stay at home and homeschool her daughter. Since then, she’s been behind the scenes helping dozens of businesses double to quadruple revenues in less than 18 months using online marketing automation. Now that her daughter’s eighteen, she’s coming out from behind the laptop and sharing what she’s learned to help you maximize your business’ profits. Today she’s going to share with us her Winning Email Formula and even has her Winning Email Checklist for us at the end of our time today. This is her personal Checklist that she uses for each and every email to maximize engagement and profits, so you are going to want this!

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Liz Hester?
  • How did she get where she is now?
  • How did she help people?
  • Liz shares her experience with launching.
  • Funnels and marketing are about bringing tribes together.
  • The principle of email marketing is always the same because it’s always about building a lasting community. 
  • What are the three keys to email marketing?
  • One more crucial thing: to only have one call to action
  • Three links are what works best and where to put them.
  • What is the biggest needle -no -movers on a website?
  • Liz shares how everyone can contact her.

Additional Resources from Liz Hester:

Attention Investors and Agents

  • Are you looking to grow your business?
  • Need to connect with aggressive like-minded people like yourself?
  • We have all the right tools, knowledge, and coaching to positively effect your bottom line.
  • Visit:http://globalinvestoragent.com/join-gia-team to see what we can offer and to schedule your FREE consultation!

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