Episode 274: Navigating the Real Estate Investment Landscape, with Dan Gordon

In 2016 Coach Dan Gordon made a mistake that destroyed his marketing company and cost him over $80,000. Standing at the crossroads of life, Coach Dan chose a bold new direction. Eight months later, he walked on stage, being paid $10,000 for his first professional speaking gig.

Today, Coach Dan takes entrepreneurs on a journey of bold transformation. They expand their income, become powerful leaders, and enjoy life to the fullest. If you want to experience living life unlimited, then you’re absolutely going to want to listen to what Coach Dan Gordon has to say.

What You Will Learn:

  • Who is Dan Gordon?
  • How did he end up in this industry?
  • The importance of having the right mindset for success in business and entrepreneurship.
  • Dan  shares how he overcame challenges and doubts to eventually land his first high-paying speaking gig.
  • What are the challenges and struggles that real estate agents and entrepreneurs face, particularly the tendency to try to “do it all themselves” without asking for help.
  • What is authentic selling?
  • What is the difference between teaching and coaching?
  • The changing landscape of tools and technologies available to real estate agents and other professionals, which have become much more accessible and affordable in recent years.
  • What is a servant leader and the benefits it can bring in terms of attracting an audience and building influence?
  • The importance of having a clear vision and taking action to manifest desired outcomes.
  • Dan shares how everyone can contact him.

Additional Resources from Dan Gordon:

Attention Investors and Agents

  • Are you looking to grow your business?
  • Need to connect with aggressive like-minded people like yourself?
  • We have all the right tools, knowledge, and coaching to positively effect your bottom line.
  • Visit:http://globalinvestoragent.com/join-gia-team to see what we can offer and to schedule your FREE consultation!

Our NEW book is out…order yours NOW!


Global Investor Agent: How Do You Thrive Not Just Survive in a Market Shift?

Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/3SV0khX

HEY! You should be in class this coming Monday (MNL). It’s Free and packed with actions you should take now! Here’s the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sNMjT-5DTIakCFO2ronDCg


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