Episode 68:
Raw land investing experts Adam Southey and Justin Sliva know exactly where new investors struggle. They’ve each had massive success in their own business, and today they’re on a mission to help others learn to harness the enormous potential offered by land investments: Incredible ROI, Massive Cash Profits, and Sustained Passive Income.
After helping hundreds of other land investors find/sell amazing properties at unbelievable profits, Adam and Justin collaborated in creating powerful resources to support both new and seasoned land investors along their journey. They launched the Casual Fridays REI podcast and built a comprehensive online course that not only answered all the questions they had received from consulting clients but also incorporated the best of their own combined experience.
Adam and Justin are here today to show our listeners there’s more than one way to achieve success when it comes to raw land investing.
What You Will Learn:
- Adam talks about how he started with land investing and bought his first land investment for a hundred bucks an acre.
- How to get started with land investing and earn 6 figures a year.
- Adam and Justin share the difference between their land investment companies.
- Justin talks about his biggest land property, a 640-acre land.
- Adam talks about the different types of lands.
- How Adam and Justin offer land selling with JVs for 6 months.
- The use of Google Earth program for land investments.
- Justin shares about their “Casual Fridays REI” podcast giving away an opportunity for 500 bucks of a piece of land.
- Adam shares their focus with land investments doing all the stuff with a direct mail campaign to every people in each county.
- Justin mentions that land investing can bring a full-time income with very minimal hours.
- Adam and Justin explain about speculations they do on land investing.
- Justin shares about their 40-video course under their “Casual Fridays REI” podcast.
Additional Resources from Adam Southey:
- Cell Phone: (817) 946-7782
- Email: adam@casualfridaysrei.com
- Website: https://www.casualfridaysrei.com/
- E-Book: https://www.coffeemoneyrei.com/ebook/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-southey-928932120/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CasualFridaysREI/
- Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/casual-fridays-rei/id1448410583
- YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCyd9vwgHc06pP53zEz66yAw
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CasualFridaysREI/